This is bad.
Shading is very flat across the image. The hair is done so poorly. No shading at all just lines. A few spots that are okay. The legs are shaded decent enough to show the form. But the other more complex forms are trash butt dick cock.
Then you got the actual Forms. Lets look at the anatomy and proportions which are completely fucking jabberwocky. What the hell they look like fucking melted action figures. Look at the way you proportioned the arms! The little one has almost zero bicep it's just shoulder and elbow. And look at big ones hand on the bed. The wrist is connected half way up the back of the hand. No way she can straighten it out. Also REALLY gross ear. That ear is so gross. Looks like a monkeys.
Now just in general shittiness. WTF you literally didn't erase her arms coloring at one point. Look at little ones hand on her boob. You just left color outside the lines. IT"S FUCKING ELEMENTARY WE LEARN NOT TO DO THAT.
Now. Honestly you show promise. You draw a lot and actually have some decent pieces out there. Your faces look pretty shit here BUT the expression of the girl on the right is honestly pretty great. Other girl is bland. But this still shows you are capable of the job. Her boobs showing through the thin fabric is actually executed really well. Your colors however have no faults that I can see. You seem to have a natural eye for color picking in a pleasant way. I can see because I looked at your other art.
FIRST THINGS FIRST. Pillow shading. You do it a lot. and it's lazy and doesn't work well. Makes everything look blurry. So I don't know which method you use. If you are using a soft edge brush or using the smudge tool. That's a bad way to shade. Until you get better at utilizing your soft edge properly. You should practice blending by using a HARD edge brush with a low flow and opacity.(This is photoshop speak) Then you do the blending using the color picker and take time slowly blending the shading. It takes time but it's needed. I can now use the soft edge without having the pillow effect because I understand blending better.
The second thing is you need to structure you characters better. No I won't tell you to study life drawing or anatomy like most people would say. (Those would help) But if you want to make poses that are interesting. You need to learn how to construct the figure. So many people(including myself) who want to make stories or just interesting character art will focus on anatomy and realism(Which is fine if you want to do realism). When really what you need to create interesting character poses is construction and gesture drawing practice. Simplifying the form into different shapes, and capturing the motion of a pose. It makes it so much easier. Stylization is a beautiful thing in art. Pushing reality to make something have more emotion or energy. By having a structure you control how your character is perceived, by having gesture you bring life to your character.
And finally. THE BEST THING I've EVER SEEN. Is that fucking door. Look at it. Print it out. AND FRAME THAT DOOR. Wow. Holy shit is that door sexy. It's not overly shaded so it doesn't distract. It's textured beautifully. Make that shit black and white and use it as a company logo. I applaud you. That slab of wood has made this lad grow wood. I am rock hard for that door. It's the belle of the ball. the one and the all. I want to scream. 3d model it and make it my actual home door it's so impressive. I don't think I deserve a door like that. I actually had a door like that when I was younger. I drew on it. because I'm shit. BUT YOU manufactured the perfect wooden door in your noggen. That proves you have the potential you will overcome and become greater than great/ Fuck all the other artists on here they can't come close to your potential. Legs, colors, DOOR. It's adoorable. The goddamn Sphynx would have you executed for that door. People wouldn't dare knock let alone come near for fear they may scratch the brilliant craftmanship of said door. Or perhaps fear that it may be an illusion crafted by Lucifer himself to finally pull them down into the abyss and destroy the illusion that is hope. They camly go home to kiss their daughters goodnight and finally rest next to their aged, yet beautiful, supporting wife. only to not sleep a wink. Not even a second. Unable to rid his mind of that door. He waits. Waits for his wife to leave the next day. He says he's sick. She tilts her head and says "Honey you can skip work if you want to haha" He stares dead at her. She stops smiling and stares back. Closing the door she says "I love you pumpkin" He just stares. Holding back tears. When they leave he sprints for his power tools. And starts to tear each door in the house to shred. He starts with the front door, then the back door, then the bathroom door. he even rips the shower curtain down. When his wife comes home she sees not a single door in the nieghbor hood in sight. The police are everywhere. She's crying the kids are in awe and worried. Susie scream "DAD". They all look in horror as their father her husband lays motionless on the pavement. Blood everywhere. The wife runs to him. She is stopped by cops. "Madam please step back. This is a crime scene" "THAT"S MY HUSBAND" she exclaims. She pushes the cop down and sprints to the body. Holding him. "TOM why!" She sees a note on his chest. It reads "I will only be happy when I can unhinge the door in the sky."
The bed kinda looked shit tho